FAQ's for vision registry providers

Does a pharmacy or organization deputized by DMV need to be enrolled in the Registry to conduct vision screening tests?


Can out of state health care providers access the Registry?

No. Out of state health care providers are not permitted to enroll in the Registry.

Can NY State providers and their staff conduct tests for out of state residents?

Results cannot be entered for anyone that does not have a NY State driver license including those with NY State non-driver identification cards. Customers that live out of state but hold a NY State driver license can have their vision tested and have results entered in the Registry.

Can out of state users enter vision screening test results?

Yes, but users must possess a valid government issued driver license or non-driver identification document from their state of residence.

Can an individual conduct vision screening tests as a provider AND enter results as a user?

Yes, at the time of enrollment, the individual should be designated as both a provider and a user.

Providers and their staff sometimes work in multiple locations. Will users need to remember multiple User IDs and passwords to access the Registry to enter results?

No. Users and contact people will be issued only one User ID and password. If they are enrolled in multiple locations users must select which location they will enter results for at log in.

What if there is a change to business, contact, provider or user information once the business is enrolled?

A business is required to let DMV know when any of the above information changes. These updates must be requested by the primary or secondary contact. For changes to user and/or contact information, a contact can update information without DMV intervention in Enrollment, Update Your Enrollment. All other updates including adding/removing providers and changing business information can be requested on that page but will be sent to DMV for review. Updates to provider and business information must be submitted to DMV for review.

Can customers and other businesses see what businesses are currently enrolled in the Registry?

Yes. You can search by ZIP Code for businesses enrolled as providers in the DMV Online Vision Registry.

Will enrolled businesses receive any information about the new program?

Eye test charts, Vision Guidelines and Snellen Procedures will be mailed to every business that joins the Registry (except if the business only enrolls providers who are optometrists or ophthalmologists) and a Quick Start Guide and Provider Log will be e-mailed to the business' designated primary and secondary contacts at enrollment. There is also a dedicated e-mail mailbox set up to answer questions submitted by a businesses' primary or secondary contact ([email protected] ).

Can a user enter a failed result?

No. If a customer cannot meet the standards of the vision screening test, if they are wearing telescopic lenses, or only possess dark colored corrective lenses (dark glasses), they must be directed to their eye test provider and their results cannot be entered in the Vision Registry.

When do results need to be entered?

If DMV customers renew their licenses using an online, mail-in or in-person process and they have been tested by a provider in the Registry, DMV will search the customer's record for those vision results. If the results are not there, the customer cannot renew and will be instructed to contact you. Because of this, DMV requires that results be entered within 24 hours of the test although entering them immediately after the test is ideal.

What if a user makes an error entering a result?

When a result is entered, the user will have an opportunity to review the data before it is submitted to DMV. Users can also retrieve what they submitted for the current day and edit if necessary. If the error is discovered after the current day, an e-mail must be sent to [email protected]  by the primary or secondary contact to report the error.

If a user mistakenly enters a result twice, will the Registry accept it?

No, an error message will display and a user will be notified that the result has already been entered.

If a primary or secondary contact person has a question on the program or issue with their staff accessing the Registry, when will the e-mail inquiry be answered?

DMV will be as prompt as possible with inquiries submitted by primary and secondary contacts at [email protected] . Be aware that Vision Registry staff is available during regular New York State business hours (8:30am-4:30pm EST, Monday-Friday, excluding State holidays).

Will test result reports be available?

Primary or secondary contacts can request a history report that retrieves results given by all users in that business for any date range of 31 days or less. No edits will be allowed.