Private Sector Partners
The Private Sector Partnering (PSP) Program allows businesses to process vehicle registrations at their place of business. This eliminates the need to take or mail documents to a motor vehicle office for processing. The PSP program is open to:
- Rental and leasing companies
- Fleet management companies
- Licensed New York State automobile dealers
- Automobile dealers associations
- Private service bureaus
- Government agencies
DMV does not assess any participation fees. Partners connect with DMV through a third-party system integrator and incur a per transaction fee assessed by that integrator. Integrators work directly with DMV to aid in all aspects of the PSP program, including software installation, training, and phone support, providing immediate technical and procedural support to users.
To help offset the integrator fees, DMV provides all plates and documents needed to participate in the program at no cost to PSP business partners.
To apply to become a Private Sector Partner, fill out the appropriate application (PSP-1 or PSP-1D) and send it to the address below.
Contact us by email:
Mailing Address:
Partnering Programs
New York State DMV
6 Empire State Plaza, Room 322
Albany, NY 12228