Your Health
The Body
Cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration can affect how well you see.
The older driver and/or concerned family members need to
- get test results directly from the vision care professional
- ask the professional if your vision affects your ability to drive safely
After a person reaches the age of 50, cataracts and other vision problems can quickly impair the ability to drive safely. Cataracts and some other eye conditions can be corrected to restore good vision. Annual vision examinations are very useful to identify vision problems so the problems can be corrected.
It is easy to see that good vision is important to safe driving. That is why an older driver who wears eyeglasses or contact lenses must always wear the lenses while driving.
An annual hearing exam is also very important for older drivers. Report any change in hearing to a doctor immediately. Hearing loss can come from a problem that is easy to correct, like wax or an object in the ear canal.
Range of Motion
For complete safety, it is not enough to use the rearview mirror when a driver turns or changes traffic lanes. A driver must be able to look through the rear and side windows into the blind spots on both sides of the vehicle. It is dangerous if a driver cannot turn their head and shoulders enough to look to the sides.
Reaction Time
It is normal for reaction time to slow down as a person ages. To reduce the possibility of a crash, older drivers can learn to keep more space between their vehicles and other highway users. Even if the driver allows for more space it will not be enough if the reaction time of the older driver has become very slow.
Medicines that are necessary for the health of an older person can also cause driving problems. Some drug combinations can affect vision, judgment, and response time, and can even appear to be dementia.
An older driver or a family member can take these steps to help an older person to continue driving safely:
1. Collect a list of the over-the-counter (OTC) medicines the older driver uses
- Check medicine cabinets, kitchen cabinets, and drawers.
- Collect information about all the prescription medicines and write a list, including
- the exact name of the medicine and the name of the doctor who prescribed the medicine.
- the expiration dates, dosages, and the times the person is to take each medicine.
2. Take the list to a pharmacist
- Share the information with the pharmacist and ask which medicines can interact.
- Ask for a printout for each prescription drug and information about the OTC medicines. The printout and the pharmacist can supply important information about driving after the driver uses the drug.
3. Check for
- More than one prescription from more than one doctor for the same drug.
- More than one prescription written by the same doctor for the same drug.
- Label directions or doctor instructions that are not clear.
- Automatic refills that do not need the authorization of the doctor.
- Drug expiration dates have passed.
- Caps that are easy for the older driver to remove, but that are also easy to fasten again. If the older driver cannot remove the cap easily, they can decide to go without doses of the medicine.
- The behaviors of the older driver after a doctor prescribes new medicines. For at least the first six weeks of new medicine, look for reactions or behaviors that are not normal.
Conditions That Affect the Mind
Alzheimer's disease and other dementia conditions are well known and the subject of much publicity. However, there are some medicines and other medical conditions that can cause actions and behavior that appear to be dementia. For example, anemia or mental depression can cause reactions and behaviors like those of a person who has a type of dementia.
It is important to understand which conditions can appear to be but are not dementia. If the true problem can be corrected, it can add years of safe driving for the older driver. The following can have some of the same qualities as dementia:
- D — Drugs - the effects and side effects of single drugs or combinations of drugs
- E — Emotional distress and depression
- M — Metabolic diseases and diseases of the endocrine system
- E — Eye or ear problems or environmental problems like allergies
- N — Nutritional or neurological conditions (for example a mini-stroke)
- T — Tumors or trauma (for example a fall where the head is injured)
- I — Infections - some infections can cause confusion
- A — Alcoholism, anemia, or atherosclerosis
A stroke, arthritis, and other diseases that affect nerves, joints, bones, or muscles, can also make vehicle control difficult. These conditions can put an older driver at risk.
Additional Information and Resources
The U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has additional information about the health and safety of older drivers and older pedestrians:
- When you have Macular Degeneration
- Driving When You Have Glaucoma
- Driving When You Have Cataracts
- Stepping Out - Mature Adults: Be Healthy, Walk Safely
- NHTSA produced a series of short videos to show how medical conditions common to older drivers can impact driving abilities. See on-the-road examples and learn more about how to stay safe. View these NHTSA videos on YouTube.
Websites for People with Alzheimer's Disease and Their Families
Alzheimer's Association
Alzheimer's Disease Education and Referral (ADEAR) Center
New York State Department of Health Information on Health Care Facilities
New York State Department of Health Information on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias
Where to Get Help with Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias at the New York State Department of Health