Are You Under 18 Years of Age?
If the answer is yes, you can benefit from the Younger Driver Resources site.
Motor vehicle crashes are the number one cause of death for people ages 16-24. The vast majority of these crashes are caused either directly or indirectly by driver inexperience. Simply put, young and newly licensed drivers are much more likely to be involved in a crash than more experienced drivers.
To allow young drivers time to gain experience, New York State requires young people under age 18 to progress through the phases of the State's Graduated Driver License Law (GDL). The GDL allows drivers in this at-risk age group to gain experience and gradually display their safe driving ability. It's your responsibility as a young driver to learn and obey the rules of the GDL. Use the menu to get started...safely.
Young Driver
Information for Youth in Foster Care
License to Drive: Keys to Success in Foster Care
New York State Department of Motor Vehicles and Office of Children and Family Services have teamed up to present a how-to guide to obtaining a driver license while in foster care in New York State.
"Youth in foster care who have a learner permit or driver license are 70% more likely to earn a high school diploma or GED.” - Keys to Independence,
Resources For Parents
It is time for your teen to begin driving. Your child is ready, but are you ready?
Get information on:
Certified Practice Driving
Withdrawal of Consent
Monitor My Teen Driver (TEENS)