Waiving right to a hearing for a chemical test refusal.
Used by an attorney who is licensed to practice law in New York State, and who represents clients at their Traffic Violations Bureau (TVB)...
Use this form to request that the DMV reopen a Traffic Violations Bureau traffic ticket from New York City that resulted in a default...
Use to file an appeal from a finding and/or penalty imposed after a DMV hearing regarding such matters as a fatal accident, chemical test...
Used to appeal a denial of access to records.
Used by a franchised motor vehicle dealer to request that a grievance with the franchisor be heard before a DMV administrative law judge.
International Registration Plan registrants may use this form within 30 days to appeal an audit finding.
Financial Disclosure Report for Payment Plans
পেমেন্ট প্ল্যানের জন্য আর্থিক প্রকাশের প্রতিবেদন
Compilato dal genitore del minore di 21 anni per fornire 4 (quattro) prove d'identità per il minore che fa domanda di permesso/patente, registrazione/titolo. Il...
Wypełnia rodzic dziecka poniżej 21 roku życia w celu przedłożenia 4 punktów dowodu tożsamości dla dziecka ubiegającego się o zezwolenie/prawo jazdy, rejestrację/tytuł. Z formularza...