Zawiera informacje i instrukcje, jak ubiegać się o nowojorskie zezwolenie na naukę jazdy, prawo jazdy lub dokument tożsamości dla osób niebędących kierowcami, a także...
Fornisce informazioni e istruzioni per fare richiesta di permesso temporaneo di guida, patente di guida o altro documento di identità diverso dalla patente dello...
Notice completed by inspection station and given to a customer when a vehicle fails an inspection.
Used by licensed NYS inspection stations to order miscellaneous DMV forms.
Must be completed when a diesel emissions inspection waiver is granted after diagnostics and repairs have been done and a vehicle cannot pass the...
Diesel emissions repair and re-test certification form for signature by inspector and customer.
Used by a licensed motor vehicle inspection station to report to DMV a missing or mutilated vehicle identification number (VIN) on an inspected vehicle.
To provide VERIFI exempt dealers with the ability to order secure paper certificates of sale.
Application for license required for those who write auto body damage estimates on behalf of auto repair shops under Section 398-d. of the Vehicle...