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Form Title Purpose
CR-138 Part 138 of DMV Commissioner's Regulations

DMV regulations governing motor vehicle accident prevention courses.

MV-44NCAL Formular aplikimi për ndryshimin e emrit VETËM në lejen standarde, lejen e drejtimit të automjetit ose kartën e identitetit për jodrejtuesit

Përdoreni për të aplikuar për ndryshimin e emrit vetëm në një leje praktikanti, leje drejtimi të automjetit ose kartë identiteti për jodrejtuesit ekzistuese.

ELT-5 Lender Application for Participation in the Electronic Lien Transfer Program

Use this form to request access to the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (NYS DMV) Electronic Lien Transfer (ELT) system through an ELT service provider that you have selected. By signing this form you are also agreeing to the terms and conditions required for access to the NYS DMV ELT system and participation in the ELT program. The ELT program uses electronic transmission of lien information in place of paper forms to record and release liens on motor vehicles and boats titled in NY.

ELT-6 Service Provider Application for Participation in the Electronic Lien Transfer Program

Use this form to request access to the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (NYS DMV) Electronic Lien Transfer (ELT) system as an ELT service provider. By signing this form you are also agreeing to the terms and conditions required for access to the NYS DMV ELT system and participation in the ELT program. The ELT program uses electronic transmission of lien information in place of paper forms in order to record and release liens on motor vehicles and boats titled in NY.

DS-103 Report of Passing Stopped School Bus

Report of Passing Stopped School Bus. A motor carrier must complete this form.

AA-53.2I Dichiarazione in luogo di comparizione personale

Tutti gli automobilisti senza consulente legale che non desiderano comparire di persona per un’udienza possono scegliere di farlo tramite una dichiarazione scritta.

Per comparire tramite dichiarazione scritta, prenotare un’udienza quindi completare e firmare la Dichiarazione in luogo di comparizione personale e inviarla all’ufficio in cui si terrà l’udienza.

Nel corso dell’udienza il giudice ascolterà i testimoni, leggerà la Sua dichiarazione inclusa agli atti e valuterà tutte le prove presenti. Il giudice emetterà un verdetto “colpevole” o “non colpevole” e Le invierà il verdetto all’indirizzo indicato nella dichiarazione.

DTP-201 Driver Training Programs Complaint Form

Use this form to send a complaint to NYSDMV about any of the following:

  • a driver education program or instructor,
  • a driving school or instructor,
  • a point/insurance reduction program delivery agency, sponsor, or instructor, or
  • a pre-licensing course instructor.

There is no fee to file this Complaint Form. Note: To send a complaint to NY DMV about a vehicle repair, inspection or purchase, use Division of Vehicle Safety Complaint Report (VS-35).

DS-622 Article 19-A Complaint Form

Used to file a complaint against an Article 19-A Motor Carrier or Certified Examiner

VS-1075 Inspection Rejection/Advisory Notice

Notice completed by inspection station and given to a customer when a vehicle fails an inspection.

VS-20 Facility Out of Business Attestation

Attestation and instructions for Vehicle Safety regulated facilities wishing to go out of business

MV-901DI Instructions and Requirements for Completing MV-901D - "Garageman's Certification and Bill of Sale for Vehicles Worth Less Than $500"

Instructions and requirements to complete form MV-901D.

VS-77 Inspection Groups and Fee Chart

A chart that lists the various types of motor vehicle inspections and the fees for the inspections.

DS-885CE Article 19-A Add/Drop Notice Certified Examiner (CE)

Application/Questionnaire - to allow carriers to add or drop certified examiners under Article 19-A

IRP-33 IRB Renewal Checklist

IRB carriers use this form to ensure that they submit all required documents with their renewal applications.

ID-44F Comment déposer une demande à New York de : permis d’apprenti conducteur, permis de conduire ou carte d’identité de non-conducteur

Fournit des informations et des instructions sur la manière de déposer une demande de permis d’apprenti conducteur, de permis de conduire ou de carte d’identité de non-conducteur à New York et dresse la liste des justificatifs nécessaires.

MV-93.1 Secure Power of Attorney Order Form

Used by motor vehicle dealer when placing an order with DMV for the MV-93 Secure Power of Attorney form.

VS-124W Renewal Application of a Body Damage Estimator License

Used to renew your license as a motor vehicle body damage estimator if you did not receive a renewal form by mail.

AA-53.2F Déclaration tenant lieu de comparution personnelle

Les automobilistes non représentés qui ne souhaitent pas se présenter en personne à une audition peuvent comparaître en soumettant une déclaration écrite.

Pour comparaître par déclaration écrite, planifiez une audition, puis remplissez dûment et signez le formulaire de déclaration tenant lieu de comparution personnelle et envoyez-le par courrier postal au bureau où se tiendra votre audition.

Lors de l’audition, le juge entendra les témoignages, versera votre déclaration au dossier et examinera toutes les preuves présentées. Le juge prononcera un verdict de « culpabilité » ou de « non-culpabilité » et vous enverra la décision par courrier postal à l’adresse indiquée dans la déclaration.

MV-44NYR Certification of Residence

Used with an application for an enhanced driver license (EDL), enhanced learner permit or enhanced non-driver photo ID card (ENDID).

MV-905 Self-Storage Owner/Operator Affirmation and Bill of Sale

Sworn statement by a self-storage business owner/operator concerning the sale of a vehicle or boat to obtain compensation for unpaid storage charges.

MV-45JA 親/保護者による身分証明カードおよび/または居住証明書

21歳未満のお子様の親が、仮免許/免許証、登記済証/権利書を申請する子供の4点の身分証明書を提供するために記入します。フォームMV-45は、強化ドキュメントを申請する子供の1つの居住証明書を提供するために使用することもできます。このフォームは車両管理局(DMV、Department of Motor Vehicles)担当者の立会いの下で署名しなければなりません。


VS-1079DE Diesel Emissions Inspection Certification & Waiver Form

Must be completed when a diesel emissions inspection waiver is granted after diagnostics and repairs have been done and a vehicle cannot pass the inspection.

AA-53.2PT Declaração em substituição de comparência

Os condutores não representados que não pretendam comparecer pessoalmente a uma audiência podem fazê-lo apresentando, em vez disso, uma declaração por escrito.

Para comparecer através de uma declaração por escrito, agende uma audiência e assine o formulário “Declaração em substituição da comparência” e envie-o para a repartição onde terá lugar a sua audiência.

Na audiência, o juiz ouvirá depoimentos, lerá a sua declaração no registo e considerará qualquer prova apresentada. O juiz irá deliberar se é “culpado” ou “inocente” e enviará uma decisão para a morada indicada na declaração

MV-80L Eye Test Report for Medical Review Unit

For people who cannot pass basic DMV vision screening and need to provide eye care practitioner certification of minimum vision requirements to the DMV.

DTF-806 Application for Refund or Credit of Sales or Use Tax Paid on a Casual Sale of Motor Vehicle (at NY State Department of Tax & Finance)

File this form with the NYS Department of Taxation and Finance to claim refund or credit for payment of vehicle sales tax or use tax.
