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There are currently road test cancellations or DMV offices closed for in-person services. See our “Cancellations, Closings and Delays” page for more information.


Any change of party enrollment completed through this DMV site must be done by 2/13 to be effective for this year’s primaries. Voters may still use the Board of Elections’ Online Voter Registration Portal to update their party by the 2/14 deadline.

Information for Military and Veterans

Below is helpful information for those who currently serve in the US Armed Forces and their families, and military veterans and their families.
Information for Military and Veterans

Military Addresses

You do not need to report a temporary change of address to the DMV. This includes military addresses.


Online Transactions

You cannot do the following transactions online if your current address is not in the US. 

  • Online driver license renewal. However, you may be eligible for an automatic license extension for military personnel).
  • Online duplicate driver license

Other Transactions

The New York State Motor Vehicle Dealer and Transporter Regulations (PDF) (CR-78) requires an automobile dealer to use the military residence address on a certificate of sale if the purchaser has no other residence address (see Section 78.11 on page 20).

License, Permits and IDs

Automatic Extension

New York State law automatically extends license privileges throughout active military service for up to 6 months after discharge or separation. Discharged or separated military personnel may renew an expired New York State license up to two years after the extended expiration. No more than 30 months may have passed since discharge (6-month extension plus 24-month grace period).

Active military personnel must show proof of date of entry into military service. If the New York State license was valid at any time during your military service, your license could be renewed.

A discharged serviceman must show a Certificate of Discharge, DD-214. You must have been discharged within the past 30 months. If the New York State license was valid at any time during your military service, your license could be renewed.


Military Driver License

If you have a driver license issued by the US Armed Forces, you can drive in New York State for a maximum of 60 days after you enter the state. After 60 days, you must have a valid New York State or out-of-state driver license to drive in New York State.

You cannot exchange a military driver license for a New York State driver license. You must apply for an original New York State driver license and take all the tests.


CDL Military Skills Test Waiver

As part of New York State's "Experience Counts" program, veterans can now leverage their military experience toward getting special licenses or certifications. An applicant for a New York State commercial driver license with military experience driving commercial motor vehicles may qualify to apply for a waiver of the New York State CDL skills (road) test. The applicant must meet all other CDL requirements. See Get a Military Skills Test Waiver for more information.


Motorcycle Skills Test Waiver

Members of the US Armed Forces who are residents of New York and complete the MSF Basic Rider Course (BRC) on a US Military installation can qualify to have their military BRC converted into a New York BRC in order to receive the road test waiver. Complete instructions are available online from the New York State Motorcycle Safety Program

Registration and Title

Second-Party Registration Transactions

If you are not able to visit the DMV to register a vehicle, another person can come for you. You will need these forms

For more information about second-party registrations, see register a vehicle for someone else.


Registration Extension

If you are active-duty military, registrations are automatically extended for up to 60 days from the return to New York State. This extension applies only to vehicles registered to military personnel. You must show proof of military service or separation. Liability insurance coverage must be maintained at all times, including the period of extension.


Register a Vehicle Imported from Another Country

To register a vehicle imported from another country, use the form 'Military Registration and Certificate of Title of Motor Vehicle' (DD-430) to provide proof of ownership. For more information, see register an imported vehicle.


Veterans with Disabilities Registering Motor Vehicles under Federal Title 38

To register a vehicle, use Statement to Register a Vehicle Under Title 38 (PDF) (MV-1E).

To renew a registration, use Statement to Renew a Vehicle Under Article 38 (PDF) (MV-1G).


Request a Registration Fee Refund

The Request for Refund (PDF) (MV-215) form includes instructions to apply for a vehicle registration fee refund if you entered the US Armed Forces after you received a New York State vehicle registration. For more information about registration refunds, see surrender vehicle plates to the DMV.


You are required to maintain continuous coverage while deployed, or to surrender your plates before being deployed. If you were unable to do so, DMV has a procedure to exempt you from administrative actions upon your return. You must provide a notarized statement that the vehicle was not used during the time in question, a copy of your military ID, proof of current insurance (or surrender of plates), and signed and dated copies of deployment and return papers, or DD-214 (if separated from service). You can present these documents at a DMV office, or mail them to the Insurance Services Bureau (see below).

Sales Tax

Sales Tax Exemption for Motor Vehicles Purchased Out-of-State 

New York State tax law offers a full exemption from New York State sales and use tax on a motor vehicle purchased in another state by a person in the military service of the United States, so long as that other state’s sales, use, excise, usage or highway use tax was paid on the motor vehicle necessary to obtain the title.

To qualify for the exemption, the purchaser must provide proof of tax paid upon registration of the motor vehicle in New York State. A receipt showing payment of sales, use, excise, usage, or highway use tax paid will be considered to be proof of tax paid to another state. This exemption applies only when the registrant is a military service member and is the person who purchased the motor vehicle in another state while in military service of the United States.

Applicants seeking this tax exemption must complete form Sales Tax Exemption [Sales Tax Form] (PDF) (at New York State Department of Tax and Finance) (DTF-803), box 12, and provide a military ID or other documentation of military service (if a certificate of discharge is presented, the date of discharge must be after the purchase of the motor vehicle).


Defer Vehicle Sales Tax

If you are a member of the U.S. Armed Forces and you do not currently reside in New York, you can defer your sales tax payment. You must pay the sales tax when you leave the Armed Forces or you return to New York. Complete form Sales Tax Exemption [Sales Tax Form] (PDF) (at New York State Department of Tax and Finance) (DTF-803) if

  • you are a New York State resident,
  • you are now a member of the U.S. Armed Forces, and
  • you do not now reside in New York State or keep a residence here

Find more sales tax information for registering a vehicle.


Military and Veteran Vehicle Plates

Use these forms to order military and veteran vehicle plates

See galleries of military and veteran custom plates

Note: The vehicle registration class codes list includes a section for military and veterans classes. 


Already ordered custom plates? Please complete the survey linked to below about your Military Custom License Plates.

Military Custom License Plates Survey

Contact DMV's Veterans' Liaison

Anthony T. Greathouse

Contact us by email:

Contact Insurance Services Bureau

Contact us by phone:

8:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m. - Weekdays (except state holidays) 1-518-474-0700

Mailing Address:

Insurance Services Bureau
New York State DMV
6 Empire State Plaza, Room 332B
Albany, NY 12228