MyDMV Account Help
Logging In
Forgot Username or Password
If you cannot remember the password for your account, you can use the self-service password reminder tool. If you believe you may have a username but do not remember it you can use the self-service tools on the homepage.
You Do Not Have a MyDMV Account
You will need to enroll in MyDMV. To enroll, you will need your most recent New York State driver license, learner permit, or non-driver ID (see sample documents) - if you never had a New York State license, permit or non-driver ID, you cannot register for MyDMV.
Redirected to Enrollment Page
You may have multiple usernames. The username you used to sign in is not associated with your MyDMV account. Use the ‘Forgot your Username’ tool to get a list of all your ID Usernames. If you have more than one email address, check all of them. Sign in with the username you created for MyDMV. If you do not remember the password you can use the 'Forgot your Password' tool. Business or Employee Account
You cannot enroll in MyDMV using a business or employee account. New York State keeps your identity separate from your 'Government Employee' or 'Business' partner identity. You will need to create a personal account with a different username than the one you use for work.
Contact Us
If you still have problems signing up after following the instructions on this page, contact us.