Rules of the road by:Kenyon M.

Disclaimer: The kids authored the content on their pages, so the information presented on "Rules of the Road by Kenyon M." may or may not be actual safety practices or information put forth by DMV. 

Tips on how to be a good and smart driver.

Tip 1: Always put on your seatbelt. If you crash you will be safe from falling out the car.

Tip 2: Make sure you take your car to the delear for inspection. The Insection will make sure your car is safe to drive.

Tip 3: Dont speed! If you speed you will get pulled over by the cops/police and get a ticket or go to jail.

Tip 4: Check your gas checked! If yu run out of gas your car will stop and you will crash and be sent to the hospital.

Tip 5: Make sure you pay your car note (car bill): if you dont pay your car note/bill the towing people will look for your car and tow it! If you pay it you will and can get your car back

Tip 6: Check your parking. Make sure your car is parked in a normal spot! If it parked in the wrong area your car will get imponded and you have to pay money in order to get your car back.

Kenyon'sDrawing of Rules of the Road