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Request Restoration After a Driver License Revocation

Request Restoration After a Driver License Revocation

Reviewing Applications

As of September 6, 2024

Driver Improvement Unit is reviewing applications that were received by mail on or before the following dates:

  • Regular Applications (less than 3 alcohol convictions) - July 17, 2024
  • Multiple Alcohol Applications (3 or more alcohol convictions) - July 17, 2024


A serious traffic offense or multiple offenses can result in the revocation of your New York State driver license or driving privilege.  

“Driving privilege” means that out-of-state drivers are allowed to drive a motor vehicle in New York State. A driving privilege can be suspended or revoked for the same reasons as New York State driver licenses and carries the same penalties as driving with a suspended or revoked license.

A revocation means your license is canceled, and you must apply for a new one once the revocation period is over. You may also be required to take the written and driving tests again. 

For most revocations, you must first request and receive approval from the DMV Driver Improvement Unit (DIU) before you can apply for a new driver license at a DMV office. If you are licensed in another state, you must obtain approval from DIU to have your New York State driving privilege restored. DIU must examine your full driver record to see if you can be approved under New York  State laws and requirements.

Before You Request Restoration

Before you request approval you must wait until the revocation period has been completely served.

Some situations require additional action before you can submit your request for approval. Any additional convictions of moving violations or other incidents added to your driving record can make you ineligible for approval or may delay the approval process.

If you have two or more alcohol/drugged driving convictions in 25 years, you are required to complete an alcohol evaluation and or treatment within one year from the date of the final review. For more information, see Substance Abuse Assessment and Treatment.

If you owe any DMV fees (suspension termination fee, driver civil penalty, or Driver Responsibility Assessment [DRA] ), they must be paid before applying for a license or the processing of your application will be delayed.  

If you are currently suspended for failing to pay child support, before you may proceed with applying for a new driver license, you must contact your local child support collection unit to make a payment and to have the suspension cleared. For more information see Suspensions and Revocations.

If you are currently suspended for failing to pay New York State taxes, before you may proceed with applying for a new driver license, you must contact the New York State Department of Tax and Finance (DTF) or call (518) 862-6000 to make a payment and to have the suspension cleared.

If you are currently suspended for failing to file an acceptable accident report with the DMV, before you may proceed with applying for a new driver license, you must fax a completed Report of Motor Vehicle Accident (MV-104) (PDF) to (518) 486-3906. Once this form is processed, you may continue with submitting your online request for relicensing. 

If you have open traffic tickets or owe fines to a court, you must contact the court of record. Outstanding tickets need to be addressed and all fines need to be paid before you may apply for a license. Once the court notifies the DMV that the tickets have been satisfied, you may continue with submitting your online request for relicensing.

If your sentence from a court includes serving a term of probation and the conditions include restrictions on reapplying for a license/privilege, you must provide a copy of your conditions of probation and a letter granting permission to apply for a driver license from the court that sentenced you or from the probation office that you must report to. The letter must be on the court or probation letterhead. If your probation was terminated, you must provide a letter from the court/probation department on their letterhead, that states the date your probation was terminated. If the conditions of your probation do not include driving restrictions, you must provide a copy of the conditions. Mail or fax this information to DIU.

Request Restoration Online

If you request approval online, the system will automatically determine if you are eligible to submit an online request. If you are not eligible, it will list the reasons and explain your next steps, explain any additional payments or actions required before you can receive approval If you are eligible, it will issue your approval immediately (the processing of mailed requests can take up to 12 weeks).

You cannot request approval online if any of the scenarios listed below are true. 

  • You were never issued a New York State driver license, learner permit, or non-driver ID (you will need to request approval by mail).
  • As part of a reexamination of your ability to safely operate a motor vehicle, you were required to take a DMV road test and if your driver license was revoked because you failed the road test, you must contact your local DMV office
  • You have a valid or suspended conditional or restricted license or are a current or former participant in the Impaired Driver Program. You must apply at a local Motor Vehicle office when you are eligible to receive your full license back.
  • Your last full driver license issued was a Commercial Driver License (CDL). If your CDL and non-CDL driving privileges are both revoked, you may apply to DIU at the end of the non-CDL sanction for restoration of your full non-CDL privileges. Then, at the end of the CDL revocation, you may apply at any state or county motor vehicle office for restoration of your CDL privileges.
  • Your revocation was a result of a conviction arising out of a fatal crash.
  • Your revocation was a result of a conviction arising out of a Penal Law violation.
  • Your revocation was for an uninsured accident. You must contact the DMV Insurance Services Bureau at the address below.


After You Receive Approval

You will receive approval to apply for a new driver license via email. The approval email will contain directions that you must follow to be successful when applying for a new driver license at your local DMV office. 


Request Restoration Online

Request Restoration by Mail

It can take up to 12 weeks for DIU to process a request received by mail. If you request approval by mail, you must wait until 30 days before the revocation period ends to send your request.

If you need to request approval to apply for a new license, you must complete an Application for Permit, Driver License, or Non-Driver ID Card (MV-44) (PDF).  Leave the “I am applying for a” boxes blank.  If you do not know your New York State driver license number, you can leave that box blank. Mail the form to the Driver Improvement Bureau at the address below.
If you reside out-of-state and need to request that your New York State driving privilege be restored, you must complete a Request for New York State Driving Privileges (DS-115) (PDF) and mail it to the Driver Improvement Unit at the address below.

A $100 re-application fee must accompany your driver license application or request for reinstatement of driving privileges. The re-application fee may be paid by check or money order made payable to the “Commissioner of Motor Vehicles” and sent to the DIU. 

Note:  If you are convicted of a moving violation or another incident that affects your New York State driving record after you send your request, you may become ineligible for approval or need to wait longer for processing.

If Your Request is Denied

If your application for restoration is denied you have several options, which are also printed on denial letters issued by DIU.

You may accept the denial and take no further action. If there is a date printed on your denial letter that advises when you may reapply, you may submit a reapplication up to 60 days before that date.


Request For Relicensing Reconsideration After Denial

You may also request reconsideration of the denial by submitting the form included as part of your denial letter to DIU within 60 days of the date of your denial letter. If you have unusual, extenuating, and compelling circumstances that you believe would form a valid basis for DMV to deviate from the general revocation policy and justify approval of your driver license application you must explain in detail each circumstance.

You must provide credible, verifiable documentation to support all circumstances claimed. For example, if you need a license to drive yourself or a family member to necessary medical treatment, you must provide documentation verifying and explaining the nature of the medical condition, the need to attend necessary appointments related to the condition or treatment, and proving there is no other transportation (including affordable private and public transportation) that may be used to get to the medical appointments. Credible, verifiable documentation is documentation from a third party (not a relative) that supports your claim. Some examples are letters or statements supporting your claims from your physician, employer, religious official, government official, professors, counselors, public transportation schedules, routes and/or maps, receipts, medical bills, and appointment schedules.

Unusual, extenuating, and compelling circumstances alone do not warrant approval. If your driving history is indicative of a continued risk to highway safety, your application for re-licensing may not be approved even with extenuating circumstances.  
Requests For Relicensing Reconsideration After Denial sent to DIU must include any documentation that was submitted with your initial application regarding unusual, extenuating, and compelling circumstances. If the letter to the Driver Improvement Bureau is late, it will not be considered, and the denial you received will be final. Your request/letter must be submitted to the Driver Improvement Bureau within 60 days of the date of your denial letter. If it is received after 60 days it will be rejected.


Appeals Board Review

You may also submit an appeal of your revocation to the DMV appeals board. To submit an appeal, mail the Administrative Appeal Form (AA-33A) (PDF) and a copy of your denial letter to the DMV Appeals Board within 60 days of the date of your denial letter. If it is received after 60 days, your appeal request will be rejected. By law, the Appeals Board cannot consider an appeal that is filed after 60 days. It also cannot review any arguments or claims that you have not first submitted to the Driver Improvement Bureau. Do not submit claims of unusual, extenuating, and compelling circumstances to the Appeals Board.



You may submit another application for re-licensure to DIU. Although you may apply for a new driver license at any time, please be aware that DIU will review your entire driving history based on the same standards that resulted in the previous denial. Each application is also subject to the statutory $100 fee.

If Your Request is Accepted

If you are licensed by another state and you receive approval for restoration of your New York State driving privilege via email or letter and you may resume driving in New York State if you have a valid out-of-state driver license.

For revoked New York State driver license holders who were approved for relicensing following a revocation, you cannot drive until a DMV issuing office issues you a New York State driver license. You may be required to take vision, written, and/or road tests to qualify for a new license.   

You will receive an approval packet from DIU. This packet contains instructions specific to you. Follow the instructions to apply for your new driver license.  Depending on your New York State driver license record you may be approved with a Problem Driver Restriction and an Ignition Interlock Device (IID).  You may be required to install and maintain an IID on any vehicles you own or operate before going to your local motor vehicles office to apply for your permit/license.

After you have the ignition interlock device installed, you are required to bring all of the following items from the approval packet you receive from DIU to any local Motor Vehicles Office to apply for your permit/license:

If you are licensed by another state and you receive approval for restoration of your New York State driving privilege, you may resume driving in New York State if you have a valid out-of-state driver license.

If you are applying for a New York State driver license or driving privilege, any additional convictions of moving violations or other incidents added to your driving record can make you ineligible for approval or may delay the approval process.

Contact Driver Improvement Unit (DIU)

Contact us by phone:

M-F, 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (518) 474-0774, Option #5

Mailing Address:

Driver Improvement Unit
New York State DMV
6 Empire State Plaza, Room 336
Albany, NY 12228

Contact us by fax:

(518) 474-6208

Contact Insurance Services Bureau

Contact us by phone:

8:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m. - Weekdays (except state holidays) 1-518-474-0700

Mailing Address:

Insurance Services Bureau
New York State DMV
6 Empire State Plaza, Room 332B
Albany, NY 12228