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There are currently road test cancellations or DMV offices closed for in-person services. See our “Cancellations, Closings and Delays” page for more information.


Any change of party enrollment completed through this DMV site must be done by 2/13 to be effective for this year’s primaries. Voters may still use the Board of Elections’ Online Voter Registration Portal to update their party by the 2/14 deadline.

LENS Support and Maintenance

LENS Support and Maintenance

Problem Letter from LENS

Log Into LENS


The LENS Help Desk routinely reviews its users’ records for signs of difficulty. We may call, write, or send a postal letter with diagnostic information. Below are some reasons you may receive a letter from LENS and information on how to resolve the issue.

“You have no users who can log on and manage your roster”

If you need to designate a new person to manage your LENS roster, see the guidance for adding and removing users. If your established users are unable to log onto LENS successfully, contact LENS support.

“Your roster has never had drivers”

See the guidance on adding and dropping drivers.

“Your last driver add, drop or status check was on MM/DD/YYYY”

If you have had any drivers join or leave your organization in the past 18 months, please log in to LENS. Check your list of drivers and add or drop drivers as appropriate. If there have been no changes in your organization, you may disregard this message.

“Your escrow account #xxxxxxx has no funds”, “Your escrow account #xxxxxxx is overdrawn”, or “Your escrow account #xxxxxxx has less than $7.00, not enough to add a driver.”

Keep a sufficient balance in your escrow account to cover your LENS usage. See instructions for depositing your payment into your escrow account

“Your roster is monitoring a deceased individual.”

Please log in to LENS. Check your list of drivers, and add or drop drivers as appropriate.

“Your roster's email address is missing or incorrect.”

Please log in to LENS. Visit the link to “Modify Account Settings”. Enter your correct e-mail address for receiving notifications.

"Your roster has all notification options set to 'No'.”

Please log in to LENS. Visit the link to “Modify Account Settings”. Select the notifications you need from LENS. If you intend to use LENS only to produce driving records and do not need notifications, you may disregard this message.

“[First name, last name] has not logged on since MM/DD/YYYY”

If you need to designate a new person to manage your LENS roster, or this user no longer has LENS duties, see the guidance at adding and removing users. If the user is unable to log onto LENS successfully, contact LENS.

“Your escrow account # xxxxxxx has an incorrect mailing address or phone number.”

Contact LENS at the phone number or email below. We will need your LENS Customer number from the letter.

LENS and Driver Policy

LENS Notifications and Driving Records contain personal information about drivers. Many LENS customers ask if they must have a driver’s permission before enrolling the driver in LENS. A LENS customer must have a DPPA Permissible Use (PDF) (MV-15) for a driver’s personal information before enrolling the driver in LENS.

Before enrolling a driver in LENS, pause and consider why you are monitoring the driver. Examine the DPPA Permissible Use (PDF) (MV-15). Do you find your purpose among the Permissible Uses? If, after consideration, you still doubt that you have a permissible use for the driver’s personal information, acquire the driver’s permission.

Pre-Employment Screenings

You may add a driver to LENS for pre-employment screening if you have a DPPA permissible use to see the driver’s record. You can add a driver to your LENS roster when considering a candidate for employment immediately. You will be able to view and print their current driving record and LENS will notify you of subsequent changes to that record. If you hire the candidate, keep them on your roster for as long as you have a DPPA permissible use. If you choose not to hire, and the driver is no longer a candidate for employment, remove them from your roster.

You can review the DMV Driver's Privacy Protection Act (MV-15DPPA) (PDF) document to determine if you have DPPA permissible use to see a driver's record.


For additional information:

Contact us for a copy of the LENS manual

Contact us by phone:

NY State DMV Data Services (518) 486-4480

Contact us by email: