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Appeal a TVB Ticket Conviction

Appeal a TVB Ticket Conviction


You can only appeal TVB convictions with the DMV. The traffic ticket must display the words "Traffic Violations Bureau" at the bottom. If it does not, you cannot file an appeal with the Department of Motor Vehicles. The TVB does not process, and you cannot file an appeal with the DMV for any conviction or penalty that occurred in a local court, resulted from a parking ticket, or resulted from a criminal violation. You must appeal these kinds of penalties and convictions with the local court or parking violations authority, not the Department of Motor Vehicles.

To appeal a default conviction, you must first submit an Application to Reopen a Default Conviction (PDF) (AA-3.3) to the DMV TVB Default Unit. If your appeal is denied, you can use this service to appeal the denial of your application to reopen the default conviction

You must file your appeal and pay a $10 nonrefundable appeal fee within 30 days of the date of conviction. Your appeal is not refundable. Whether your appeal is rejected, or the conviction or penalty is affirmed, reversed, remanded, or modified, the appeal fee cannot be refunded.

The DMV Appeals Board must determine that your appeal meets legal requirements. The DMV Appeals Board will reject your appeal if

  • your appeal form and fee are not filed promptly
  • your appeal does not meet the requirements of New York State law
  • the matter is not legally allowed to be appealed
  • you fail to meet DMV requirements for appeals 

Appeal Online 

You will need

  • the TVB traffic ticket number from your conviction (see a sample ticket)

and either

  • your DMV ID Number from your New York State driver license, learner permit, or non-driver photo ID card (see a sample driver license)


  • your full name, date of birth, and gender (as they appear on the traffic ticket)

and the following

  • your mailing address (please note that any address you enter for the appeal will not automatically update your DMV driver license or vehicle records)
  • An Appeal Argument that explains the valid reasons for your appeal
  • if an attorney will represent you in the appeal, the attorney's name and mailing address
  • if you request a stay of a suspension or revocation that resulted from the conviction, a written 'Stay Argument'
    • The Stay Argument must explain the reasons why you need a stay. Filing an appeal does not change your obligation to pay the fine, surcharge, or other fees. The DMV will not grant a stay of a suspension for failure to pay a fine, surcharge or suspension termination fee

At the end of the transaction, you will get a 3-digit Appeal Access number. You can use this later to check the status of your appeal. You can appeal one conviction per online transaction.

You must notify the DMV Appeals Board in writing immediately of any change of address that occurs after an appeal is filed. You cannot edit your Appeals Argument(s) or cancel your transaction after you verify your information or submit your payment.


Appeal a TVB ticket conviction online


Exhibits That Cannot be Submitted Online

If your exhibits or arguments cannot be submitted online or your Appeal Argument does not fit into the space provided, you can mail them to the DMV.  Evidence, exhibits, or documents not submitted to and considered by the hearing officer may not be filed with the appeal. If you submit the additional exhibits and/or arguments at the time you file the appeal online, check the box in the transaction that indicates that you will mail additional exhibits and/or arguments for your appeal. 

If you order a transcript for your appeal, you must mail the additional arguments to the Appeals Board within 30 days after the transcript you ordered has been sent to you. If you do not want or need a transcript, you must mail the exhibits and/or arguments within 10 days of the day you submit your appeal.

To submit exhibits or arguments that cannot be submitted through the online transaction:

  • Write the summons number of the appealed ticket on the front of the envelope and all exhibits and/or arguments.
  • Include a cover letter that provides your name, DMV ID Number, and the Appeal Access Number that is displayed in the confirmation message page at the end of this transaction

The Appeals Board uses the US Postal Service postmark, if legible, to determine if your documents are timely. Keep your proof of mailing and a copy of anything you send to the Appeals Board. Evidence, exhibits, or documents not submitted to and considered by the hearing officer may not be filed with the appeal.

Mail your documents to the DMV Appeals Board at the address below.

Additional Appeal Arguments

If you request a transcript to be reviewed for your online appeal, you may submit an additional Appeal Argument. The Additional Argument must be submitted within 30 days after the transcript you ordered has been sent to you from the Transcriber. To submit an Additional Argument after receiving your transcript, access the transaction again and enter either

  • the ticket number
  • your DMV ID Number from your New York State driver license, learner permit, or non-driver photo ID card (see sample driver license)

or, your

  • name, date of birth, and (3-digit) Appeal Access Number

Appeal By Mail

Use the Traffic Violations Bureau Appeal (PDF) (AA-33) form. Mail your appeal and $10 appeal fee to the DMV Appeals Board at the address below.
To appeal a DMV determination other than a TVB conviction or penalty, use the Appeal From DMV Hearing Determination (PDF) (AA-33A).

Check the Status of Appeal Filed Online

The Appeals Board will acknowledge receipt of your appeal form and fee with a letter.

You can also use the TVB Traffic Ticket Appeal service to check your appeal status. You will need to provide

  • the ticket number
  • your DMV ID Number from your New York State driver license, learner permit, or non-driver photo ID card

or, your

  • name, date of birth, and (3-digit) Appeal Access Number

Contact the DMV Appeals Board

Mailing Address:

New York State DMV
P.O. Box 2935
​​​​​​​Albany, NY 12220-0935