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Tickets Received in New York City
Traffic Violations Bureau Tickets
Plead to or Pay a TVB Ticket
The New York State DMV's Traffic Violations Bureau (TVB) handles all non-criminal traffic violation tickets issued in the 5 boroughs of New York City. If you receive a traffic ticket that is answerable to the TVB you must decide whether to plead guilty to the offense and pay the required fees or plead not guilty and schedule a hearing.
Get a Copy of a Ticket
If your TVB traffic ticket is lost or destroyed, you can print a substitute online. Once you provide information for one open TVB traffic ticket, you will be able to print any open TVB traffic ticket(s) you have.
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Enroll in and Pay
Traffic Ticket Payment Plans
After you resolve your ticket with the court, you may be eligible for a payment plan. See how to apply for a traffic ticket payment plan and how to make payments on existing plans.
Tickets Received Outside of New York City
Other Tickets
Tickets in Other Parts of New York State
Traffic tickets that are issued outside of New York City are processed in the criminal or traffic court of the city, county, town, or village where the alleged offense took place. No matter where you receive a traffic ticket, follow the instructions on the back of the ticket and be sure to answer the ticket on time.
To answer these types of traffic tickets, contact the court directly.
Tickets Received in Another State
Your New York State Driver License will be suspended if you fail to answer a ticket for a moving violation in any state except Alaska, California, Michigan, Montana, Oregon, or Wisconsin. Your license will remain suspended until you answer the ticket.
Parking Tickets
DMV does not handle parking violations or regulate parking. If you receive a parking ticket, you must respond to the locality where it was issued. Do not contact DMV.
If you fail to answer parking tickets, the locality can notify the DMV, which can prevent the renewal of your vehicle registration or suspend your vehicle registration.