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There are currently road test cancellations or DMV offices closed for in-person services. See our “Cancellations, Closings and Delays” page for more information.


Any change of party enrollment completed through this DMV site must be done by 2/13 to be effective for this year’s primaries. Voters may still use the Board of Elections’ Online Voter Registration Portal to update their party by the 2/14 deadline.

Check a Title or Lien Status

Check a Title or Lien Status

Check Status Online

You can check the status of vehicle, boat, and Manufactured Home (MFH) titles and liens online.

The status check service displays 

  • the date the title was issued by DMV (The date the title was printed.  Titles are mailed out by the DMV after they are printed)
  • the number of liens (if any)
  • the name and address of the lienholder(s)

The service does not display any personal information about the vehicle owner or registrant. 

You must provide the

  • Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) or Hull Identification Number (HIN) or MFH Serial Number
  • Model year
  • Make (i.e. ‘FORD’, ‘JEEP’, 'CRISC', 'ASTRO', 'HA/DA')

You can find this information on your registration documents for vehicle and boats, or on your Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin or Data Plate for manufactured homes. View sample documents.


Check a title or lien status online


Please note, it can take up to 45 days to receive the title certificate from the DMV in the mail. If it has been more than 45 days and you still have not received your title, email the DMV. 


Email the DMV to check your title status

If a Lien is Not Listed

For a Lienholder/Dealer to have a lien recorded on a Certificate of Title,

  • you must submit a request either through a dealer or directly to New York State DMV
  • the lienholder must pay the required lien filing fee

If you did that, but did not see your lien listed when you checked the status of the title certificate on this website, or if you learned from another source that the lien is either not recorded or not pending, please notify DMV immediately by completing and emailing a Lienholder/Dealer Lien Inquiry (PDF) (MV-910) to the email address shown on the form.


How to submit a Lienholder/Dealer Lien Inquiry (MV-910)

Step 1: Provide your contact information (if you are a lending institution, include your lien filing code).

Step 2: Provide complete and accurate information for the vehicle(s), boat(s) or MFH(s) in question.

Step 3: Save the form.

  • If the version of Adobe does not allow you to save the information you typed, you can print the form and fax it to (518) 486-6581.

Step 4: Send an email with the form as an attachment to the email address shown on the form 

Do not  use this form or the email to request any other type of information or service from DMV

  • we will disregard anything not related to a possible missing lien
  • if you have questions or issues on any other matter, contact the DMV

What To Expect

  • New York State DMV staff will respond to your request as soon as possible. We must first identify the vehicle, boat or MFH and verify its title status.  Then we must retrieve and review the application forms to determine the appropriate response. Please note that these activities take time.
  • If your lien has not been recorded, and the correct form(s) and fee have been filed, we will record your lien and send you a Notice of Recorded Lien (MV-901).  If we do not have the correct form(s) and fee to record your lien, we will contact you to let you know what is needed.